Best Crystals For Empaths
If you're an empath, then you know that feeling all too well. It's like your emotions are on overdrive, and you can't seem to shake the feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, or sadness no matter how hard you try. Crystals can be a great tool for helping to manage your empathy and keep your energy grounded. Here are some of the best crystals for empaths to help you stay balanced and centered.
What Is An Empath?
Not sure if you're an empath? Here's a quick overview. Empaths are highly sensitive people who tend to absorb the emotions of those around them. This can sometimes lead to feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or drained. However, being an empath also has its perks. Empaths are often very compassionate and caring people. They're also usually great at reading people and understanding their needs.
Here are some signs you might be an empath:
- You're a highly sensitive person
- You feel other people's emotions as if they were your own
- You're easily overwhelmed by large crowds or loud noises
- You have a hard time saying no to people
- You often put other people's needs before your own
How Can Crystals Help An Empath?
Crystals go a long way in helping to manage challenges that come with being an empath. Crystals have been used since the dawn of time for many different reasons: decorative, talismans, amulets, and even as currency. But one of the most popular uses for crystals nowadays is for their energetic properties.
It's believed that each crystal has a unique vibration that can help to promote many beneficial healing properties. For example, some crystals are said to help to cleanse and purify your energy field, while others are believed to promote abundance and luck.
For an empath, crystals can help to:
- Absorb and transmute negative energy
- Create a protective barrier around your energy field
- Help to the ground and center your energy
- Promote feelings of calm and peace
- Empower you to stay in your own personal power
Top Crystals For Empaths
Now that we've gone over some of the ways that crystals can help an empath, let's take a look at some of the best crystals for empaths.
1. Amethyst
Amethyst is one of the most popular and well-known crystals. It's a type of quartz that ranges in color from a deep purple to light lavender. Amethyst is said to be an extremely powerful and protective stone. It's often used to cleanse and purify the energy around it.
For empaths, amethyst can help to create a calming and relaxing environment. It can also help to absorb and transmute negative energy. Amethyst is a great crystal to keep near you when you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious.
2. Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline is a type of semiprecious stone that's mostly black in color with streaks of other colors running through it. It's often used as a protective stone. Black tourmaline is said to create a barrier around your energy field, helping to deflect negative energy away from you.
For empaths, black tourmaline can be a great stone to keep near you when you're in large crowds or around negative people. It can help to create a shield of protection around you, keeping your energy field clean and clear.
3. Bloodstone
Bloodstone is a type of green jasper with red streaks running through it. Bloodstone is said to be a very grounding and protective stone. It's often used to help cleanse and purify the energy around it.
For empaths, bloodstone can help to keep your energy grounded and centered. It can also help to absorb and transmute negative energy. Bloodstone is a great stone to keep with you when you're feeling overwhelmed or emotionally drained.
4. Citrine
Citrine is a type of yellow quartz that ranges in color from a pale yellow to a deep golden brown. Citrine is said to be a very uplifting and positive stone. It's often used to promote abundance, luck, and success.
For empaths, Citrine can help to promote feelings of happiness and joy. It can also help to deflect negative energy away from you. Citrine is a great stone to keep near you when you're feeling down or stressed out.
5. Clear Quartz
Clear quartz is one of the most popular and well-known types of crystal. It's a type of clear silicon dioxide with a clear, translucent luster. Clear quartz is said to be "the master healer," as it's believed to have a wide range of benefits, in addition to empowering other crystals to work more effectively.
For empaths, Clear Quartz can be used to help to amplify the energies of other stones. So if you are wearing a black tourmaline bracelet, and you want the protective energies of the black tourmaline to be amplified, you can add a clear quartz bracelet to your mix to help achieve that goal.
As an empath, you go through life sensing and feeling the energies around you. This can be both a blessing and a curse. While it's wonderful to be so in tune with the world around you, it can also be overwhelming.
Thankfully, there are ways to help ease the challenges that come with being an empath. While the use of crystals is just one way, it can still be a powerful tool that can help to promote feelings of calm and serenity.
If you're looking for a way to help protect your energy and keep your emotions in check, consider using some of the crystals listed above. Remember, each crystal has its own unique energies and benefits, so it's important to choose the ones that vibe with you the most.