peach moonstone

Peach Moonstone: Healing Properties, History and Benefits

What is Peach Moonstone?

Peach Moonstone is a popular variety of Moonstone. The typical color of Peach Moonstone is -- as you may have guessed, peach, but it can also be found in tan, pink, or reddish-orange. It gets its soft peach color from the titanium dioxide mixed in with the feldspar. Peach Moonstone has been used in jewelry for a long time and is a stunning and powerful gemstone with many healing properties to boot. Peach Moonstone is typically said to help with emotional stability, bring peace, and ease stress. It is also said to help promote intuition and creativity.

Spiritual Meaning of Peach Moonstone

The spiritual meaning of Peach Moonstone is that it brings hope and new beginnings. Peach Moonstone is a soothing gemstone that enhances intuition and brings luck. Peach Moonstone is also associated with feminine energy and the divine. If you are looking for a stone that can help you let go of the past and move on to a new beginning, Peach Moonstone may be the perfect choice for you.

In addition, as a variety of Moonstone, it is believed to draw its power from the moonlight. And just like the lunar cycle, Peach Moonstone is thought to help us move through different stages in our lives gracefully.

Where can Peach Moonstone be found?

Peach Moonstone is typically found in India, where it is mined in the Himalayas. However, it can also be found in a few other places worldwide, including Australia and Brazil. Peach Moonstone is relatively rare, so it can be a bit difficult to find. If you're lucky enough to come across some Peach Moonstone, it's sure to be a precious addition to your collection.

Peach Moonstone in Ancient History & Lore

As mentioned, Peach Moonstone is a type of Moonstone, and Moonstone has been revered by many ancient civilizations for its spiritual properties. For example, the Romans believed that Moonstone was sacred to Diana, the goddess of the moon. They thought it could help promote feminine energy, intuition, and creativity.

In ancient India, Peach Moonstone was known as a "stone of happiness." It was often given as a gift to celebrate a new beginning or mark an important milestone. Peach Moonstone is still considered a lucky stone in India today.

Interestingly, Peach Moonstone has also been linked to divine intervention throughout history. Some believe that it is a stone of prophecy and can be used to connect with the divine due to its connection to the moon.

If you're drawn to Peach Moonstone, it may be because you are looking for a stone that can help you move on from the past and embrace new beginnings. This gemstone is said to embody the qualities of hope, luck, and intuition, making it perfect for anyone on a spiritual journey.

Healing Properties of Peach Moonstone

peach moonstone healing properties infographic

Peach Moonstone is a wonderful gemstone for healing physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental wounds. It is said to be especially soothing for the emotions and can help to calm and soothe the mind. Peach Moonstone is also thought to be a powerful guardian stone, protecting against harm.

With its properties of hope and new beginnings, Peach Moonstone is a gemstone of transformation and change. Once you learn to embrace its power, Peach Moonstone can help you to navigate the different stages of your life with grace and ease.

Metaphysical Properties Of Peach Moonstone

Peach Moonstone is primarily associated with the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen. This chakra is responsible for your emotional body and creativity. Peach Moonstone can help to open up that chakra and allow you to express yourself more freely.

As a variety of Moonstone, Peach Moonstone also shares similar metaphysical properties with its milky counterpart. Moonstone is generally considered to be a stone of intuition and inner guidance. It can help you connect with your subconscious mind and access information that you may not be aware of otherwise.

Moonstone is typically associated with the Crown Chakra and Third Eye Chakra. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head and is responsible for your connection to the divine. When this chakra is open, you can connect with your higher self and access spiritual knowledge. The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of your forehead and is responsible for intuition and psychic ability. When this chakra is open, you can better access your intuition and inner guidance.

Peach Moonstone can be an excellent tool to help you open up both of these chakras. Peach Moonstone makes a perfect choice if you seek to deepen your spiritual connection or develop your intuition.

Physical Healing Properties Of Peach Moonstone

As with most all crystals, Peach Moonstone has various physical healing properties as well. It is thought to help reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation and peace, and ease symptoms of PMS and menopause. Peach Moonstone can also help to improve sleep quality and relieve insomnia.

It is said that Peach Moonstone can help to boost the immune system, improve circulation, and detoxify the body. Peach Moonstone is also thought to be beneficial in relieving pain, both physically and emotionally.

Peach Moonstone is also said to be an excellent fertility stone and can be used to increase the chances of conception.

Emotional & Mental Healing Properties Of Peach Moonstone

Peach Moonstone is a stone of transformation. It can help you let go of old emotional wounds and negative thinking patterns and embrace change. Peach Moonstone is also known for promoting inner peace and calmness. It can help you find emotional balance and stability, especially during times of stress or upheaval.

Emotionally, Peach Moonstone is a stone of hope. It can help you see the positive aspects of any situation and maintain a hopeful outlook even in the darkest of times. Peach Moonstone also encourages creativity and imagination, making it an excellent stone for artists and writers -- or anyone looking to express themselves in a more meaningful way.

Mentally, Peach Moonstone is a stone of clarity. It can help you see the truth behind situations and make clear decisions. Peach Moonstone can also help to boost your memory and intuition and increase your psychic abilities.

Benefits of Peach Moonstone

Peach Moonstone is an incredible stone for anyone looking to increase their feminine energy, prepare for a transformation in their lives, and deepen their spiritual connection. If you've been looking to add Peach Moonstone to your collection, here's a list of some of the best benefits to look out for:

  • Peach Moonstone helps to calm and soothe the mind and emotions.
  • It enhances intuition, psychic ability, and creativity.
  • Peach Moonstone is a stone of hope and optimism, bringing a sense of joy and happiness into your life.
  • It is protective against negative energy and influences.
  • Peach Moonstone enhances your creativity and imagination.
  • Peach Moonstone is a powerful tool for manifesting your desires.
  • Peach Moonstone helps you connect with the divine feminine energy.
  • Peach Moonstone is a stone of love and harmony.

How to use Peach Moonstone

Now that you know a little bit more about Peach Moonstone, here are some ideas of how you can use it to experience some of its magic:

wearing peach moonstone bracelet

Wear Peach Moonstone Jewelry

Peach Moonstone is a beautiful stone, and it's even more special when you wear it as jewelry. Choose a pendant, ring, or bracelet to help connect with the stone's energy. If you choose to wear bracelets, you can even combine Peach Moonstone with other stones to create a great look with powerful metaphysical synergies.

Keep Peach Moonstone in your Pocket

If you don't want to wear Peach Moonstone jewelry, you can always keep it in your pocket. This is a great way to keep the stone close to you at all times and to benefit from its energy throughout the day.

Carry Peach Moonstone With You

Another great way to connect with Peach Moonstone is to carry it with you wherever you go. You can keep it in a pocket, in your purse, or even wear it as a necklace.

Meditate With Peach Moonstone

If you want to really dive deep into the energy of Peach Moonstone, try meditating with it. Sit with the stone in your hands and allow its power to fill your body and mind.

Add Peach Moonstone To Your Altar

Peach Moonstone is a great stone to include if you have an altar. Use it to represent the energy of transformation, hope, and femininity.

Peach Moonstone For Fertility

Moonstone is considered a helpful gemstone for fertility and conception. Peach moonstone is especially beneficial in this area as it helps to increase the feminine energy within the body. As such, it can be a useful tool in helping to remedy conditions that are related to low fertility or a lack of femininity. Peach moonstone is also known to help with all aspects of pregnancy, from the early stages to post-birth. It is said to be beneficial in easing childbirth and helping to restore energy after giving birth. For these reasons, many women choose to keep a piece of peach moonstone close by during pregnancy.

Peach Moonstone For Sleep

If you're looking for a stone to help with better sleep, Moonstone is a good choice. Peach moonstone can help calm and soothe the mind, promoting a night of more restful sleep. It can also help relieve stress and anxiety that can keep you awake at night. Peach moonstone is also known to help balance the hormones, which can be helpful for those experiencing sleep problems related to hormonal imbalance. For all of these reasons, adding a piece of peach moonstone to your bedside table may help you get the good night's sleep you need.

Peach Moonstone For Love

Moonstone is often considered a love gemstone. Peach moonstone is especially beneficial in this area as it helps to increase the feminine energy within the body. As such, it can be used to attract love into your life or help improve relationships that are struggling. Peach moonstone is also known to promote harmony and peace in relationships,

Peach Moonstone In Your Home & Feng Shui

In feng shui, Moonstone is considered a "water" stone and is used to promote the flow of energy in the home. Peach moonstone can be beneficial in this area as it helps to increase the feminine energy within the home. It can be used to attract love and happiness into your life or help remedy problems in the house that are related to a lack of feminine energy. Peach moonstone is also said to help with all aspects of health and well-being in the home. Many people choose to use Peach moonstone in their feng shui practice for these reasons.

The best place to keep Peach Moonstone in your home is in the southwest corner, which is the area associated with love and relationships.

Peach Moonstone Zodiac & Birthstone

peach moonstone zodiac

As a stone of intuition and insight, Peach Moonstone is perfect for those who want to delve deep into their own psyche. People born in June should consider using Peach Moonstone as their birthstone, as it helps to promote intuition and creativity.

The Zodiac signs that Peach Moonstone is typically associated with are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. These signs are always looking for new ways to grow and learn, and Peach Moonstone can help facilitate this growth.

Peach Moonstone and Gemini

Gemini is the sign of the twins, and Peach Moonstone is an excellent gemstone to represent this duality. Gemini is curious and loves learning new things, and Peach Moonstone helps to enhance these qualities. This gemstone also encourages communication and cooperation, making it a perfect fit for Gemini. Peach Moonstone helps to promote balance and harmony in Gemini's life.

Peach Moonstone and Virgo

Virgo is the sign of the virgin, and Peach Moonstone is a great gemstone to represent this purity. Virgos are analytical and perfectionists, and Peach Moonstone helps to enhance these qualities. This gemstone also encourages organization and efficiency, making it a great fit for Virgo.

Peach Moonstone and Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the sign of the archer, and Peach Moonstone is an ideal gemstone to represent this. Sagittarians are optimistic and enthusiastic, and Peach Moonstone helps to enhance these qualities. This gemstone also encourages travel, new beginnings, and learning, making it a perfect fit for Sagittarius.

Peach Moonstone and Capricorn

Capricorn is the sign of the goat, and Peach Moonstone is a perfect gemstone to represent this. Capricorns are disciplined and responsible, and Peach Moonstone helps to enhance these qualities. This gemstone also encourages ambition, and self-reliance, making it a perfect fit for Capricorn.

How to Cleanse & Charge Your Peach Moonstone

Peach Moonstone comes with a variety of benefits, but to reap these benefits, they should be properly cleansed and charged. Here are a few ways to do this:

Sunbath your Peach Moonstone: Placing your Peach Moonstone in direct sunlight will help to cleanse and charge it. The sun's energy will help remove any negative energy that the stone may have absorbed.

Moonbathe your Peach Moonstone: Placing your Peach Moonstone under the moon's light will help cleanse and charge it. The moon's energy is known for its cleansing properties and will help to remove any negative energy that the stone may have absorbed.

Smudge your Peach Moonstone: Smudging is a technique used to cleanse and purify objects. You can either use a sage smudge stick or Palo Santo wood. Simply light the stick, and let the smoke drift over your Peach Moonstone. This will help clear any negative energy that the stone may have absorbed.

Charge your Peach Moonstone: Place your Peach Moonstone on a windowsill or in direct sunlight to help charge it. The sun's energy will help to energize the stone and restore its natural energies.

Place your Peach Moonstone in a bowl of water: Place your Peach Moonstone in a bowl of water and let it sit overnight. This will help to cleanse the stone of any negative energy. Take out the stone and dry it off with a towel in the morning.

Looking for more ways to cleanse your jewelry? Check out our cleansing guide here.

Peach Moonstone In Jewelry

peach moonstone and unakite bracelet on a decorated background

There is something incredibly special about Peach Moonstone jewelry. The soft, gentle colors of this stone radiate like the glowing energy of the moon itself. This makes for a beautiful and amazing piece of jewelry that anyone can enjoy.

Peach Moonstone is not only beautiful to look at, but it also has a powerful energy that can be very beneficial to those who wear it.

What does Peach Moonstone pair well with?

There are many different gemstones that pair well with Peach Moonstone. A few crystals that mesh well with Peach Moonstone are Amethyst, Unakite, Pink Aventurine, and Rhodochrosite.

Each of these crystals has its own unique properties that can benefit the wearer differently.

Amethyst is a powerful stone that can help to protect the wearer from negative energy. It is also known to be a helpful stone for those struggling with addiction. When paired with Peach Moonstone, it can help create a powerful energy that is both protective and healing.

Unakite is an excellent stone for promoting balance in the wearer's life. It can help to soothe emotional wounds and encourage positive growth. When paired with Peach Moonstone, it can create powerful energy for self-love and self-care.

Pink Aventurine is a stone known to help attract positive energy into the wearer's life. It is also said to help boost creativity and motivation. When paired with Peach Moonstone, it can create powerful energy of love and positive growth.

Rhodochrosite is a stone known to help bring feelings of love and compassion into the wearer's life. It is also said to help ease feelings of sadness or anger. When paired with Peach Moonstone, it can create powerful energy of love and compassion.

Closing Thoughts on Peach Moonstone

There is no doubt that Peach Moonstone is a powerful and fantastic stone. It has a beautiful energy that can help to soothe and heal the wearer's mind, body, and soul. If you're looking to connect more with your feminine energies and transition into new beginnings, it is definitely a gemstone worth adding to your collection.

Frequently Asked Questions About Peach Moonstone

Is peach moonstone a real Gemstone?

Yes, Peach Moonstone is a real gemstone. It is a type of feldspar that gets its name from its peach-like color.

Is Peach Moonstone the same as sunstone?

No, Peach Moonstone and sunstone are two different stones altogether. Sunstone is a type of feldspar that gets its name from its yellow-orange color. It is sometimes confused with Peach Moonstone, but they are two different stones with different energies and properties.

How do I know if my peach moonstone is genuine?

Peach Moonstone typically has a soft, gentle color, and it often has an iridescent sheen. It should also be noted that Moonstones, in general, are on the softer side, sitting at a Mohs hardness rating of 6.0.

What is the difference between Peach Moonstone and Moonstone?

The main difference between Peach Moonstone and Moonstone is their color. Peach Moonstone has a peach-like color, while Moonstone typically has a more whitish or bluish color. Peach Moonstone also tends to have an iridescent sheen, which Moonstone does not always have. Lastly, Peach Moonstone has different properties than Moonstone due to its different chemical composition. Although they share similar metaphysical characteristics, Peach Moonstone is known to be a stone of new beginnings and stability, while Moonstone is known more to be a stone of intuition and clarity.

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