6 Best Crystals For Good Dreams

6 Best Crystals For Good Dreams

We spend about 27 years of our lives asleep, which means that we spend a lot of time dreaming! Dreams can be strange, wonderful, insightful, and even prophetic. While we don't always remember our dreams, they can still have a powerful impact on our lives. When it comes to crystals, there are a few that are believed to promote good dreams and restful sleep. So if you've been looking to improve your dream life, you've come to the right place. Here are the best crystals for good dreams.

Best Crystals For Good Dreams

1. Celestite

Celestite is a blue or violet crystal that is known for its calming and peaceful energy. Its properties include promoting restful sleep, easing stress and anxiety, and promoting good dreams. Celestite is also said to be helpful in accessing the Akashic Records, which is a realm of knowledge that contains all memories of past, present, and future lives.

When it comes to using Celestite for good dreams, place it under your pillow or near your nightstand and think about your intention for peaceful sleep and sweet dreams before bed.

2. Amethyst

Amethyst is a violet crystal that is known for its ability to calm the mind and ease stress. It's also said to be helpful in promoting good sleep and sweet dreams. Amethyst is thought to work by clearing away negative energy and helping to balance the crown chakra.

To use Amethyst for good dreams, simply place it under your pillow or near your bed before going to sleep. You can also hold it in your hand while you drift off to sleep. With Amethyst, think about how all of your negative thoughts are being cleared away so that only positive energy remains.

3. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a pink crystal that is known for its ability to promote love, healing, and forgiveness. It's also said to be helpful in promoting good sleep and sweet dreams. Rose Quartz is thought to work by clearing away negative energy, clearing emotional baggage, and promoting self-love.

To use Rose Quartz for good dreams, simply place it under your pillow or near your bed before going to sleep. Once it's under your pillow (or by your nightstand), think about how your Rose Quartz is infusing you with its energies of love, healing, and forgiveness. As you drift off to sleep, let go of any negative thoughts or emotions that are weighing you down.

4. Selenite

Selenite is a white or clear crystal that is known for its ability to cleanse and purify energy. It's also said to be helpful in promoting a night of restful sleep and good dreams. Selenite is thought to work by clearing away negative energy and promoting peace and relaxation. In addition, Selenite is also believed to be the ultimate cleanser of other crystals.

To use Selenite for good dreams, simply place it under your pillow or near your bed before going to sleep. You can also hold it in your hand while you drift off to sleep. With Selenite, think about how all of the negative energy in your life is being cleansed away so that only positive energy remains.

5. Lepidolite

Lepidolite is a lilac-colored crystal that is known for its ability to promote relaxation and ease stress. It's also said to be helpful in promoting good sleep and sweet dreams. Lepidolite is thought to work by clearing away negative energy and promoting emotional balance.

To use Lepidolite for good dreams, simply place it under your pillow or near your bed before going to sleep. With Lepidolite, think about how all of the negative energy in your life is being balanced out so that you can achieve emotional harmony.

6. Sodalite

Sodalite is a blue crystal that is known for its ability to promote peace and calm. It's also said to be helpful in easing stress and anxiety and promoting good dreams. Sodalite is thought to work by clearing away negative energy and promoting mental clarity.

To use Sodalite for good dreams, simply place it under your pillow or near your bed before going to sleep. As you drift off to sleep, think about how Sodalite is promoting peace and calm in your life. Let go of any negative thoughts or emotions that are weighing you down.

How Can Crystals Help Promote Good Dreams?

Crystals have been used for centuries to promote good dreams and restful sleep. It is believed that crystals emit positive vibrations that can influence our own vibrational energy. When we work with crystals before bed, it is said that we are more likely to have peaceful and pleasant dreams.

Essentially, there are different energy frequencies that we vibrate at. Crystals emit their own unique frequency, and when we place them near us, it is thought that our energy will begin to match the frequency of the crystal. This can lead to a sense of calm and peace, which can be helpful in promoting good sleep and good dreams.

Can You Put Crystals Under Your Pillow?

There are certain crystals that are said to be more effective when placed under your pillow. Celestite, Amethyst, and Selenite are all good options. If you choose to put a crystal under your pillow, it is important to cleanse it first. This will help remove any negative energy that the crystal may have absorbed.

It's also a good idea to charge your crystal in the moonlight or sunlight for a few hours before using it. This will help infuse the crystal with positive energy. When you're ready to use it, simply place the crystal under your pillow and relax.

However, there are some crystals that are not recommended to be placed under your pillow. These are typically very "active" or energetic crystals, such as Carnelian, Citrine, and Tigers Eye. While these crystals are great for creativity, they are thought to be too stimulating and could lead to restless sleep.

And of course, if you don't feel comfortable putting a crystal under your pillow, you can also keep it nearby on a bedside table.

How Do You Promote Good Dreams?

Besides crystals, there are other ways believed to promote good dreams. Here are a few different methods you can try.

Herbs are said to be helpful in promoting good dreams. Some of the most popular include lavender, chamomile, and valerian root. These can be consumed in tea form or taken as a supplement. Or if you prefer them in Essential Oil form - dab a little on your pillow before sleep or use them in your favorite diffuser. Check out our collection of Essential Oils here.

Another way to promote good dreams is by using positive affirmations before bed. Positive affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself. They help to program your mind for success and can be used for various purposes, including promoting good dreams.

Some examples of positive affirmations for good dreams are:

  • "I am safe and protected while I sleep."
  • "I release all negativity before I go to bed."
  • "I am surrounded by love and light."
  • "I attract only positive and pleasant dreams."
  • "I am rested and refreshed when I wake up."

And finally, many people find that keeping a dream journal can also be helpful. This is a place where you can write down your dreams and track any patterns that you may notice. Over time, you may start to see certain symbols or themes appearing in your dreams. And by keeping a journal, you can begin to understand what these symbols mean to you.

Final Thoughts

If you're looking to improve your dream life, there are a few crystals that can help. Each of these stones have can have different effects and promote good dreams in different ways. Find the one that speaks to you and start incorporating it into your bedtime routine. With a little practice, you may just find yourself having the best dreams of your life!

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